No silly... visit a pharmacist to get a special shampoo for head lice !Is it true that flea and tick shampoo is safe to use on a human to treat head lice?
You can find shampoo for lice at the drug store or any store that carries shampoos. The name is RID, it is special for this purpose.Is it true that flea and tick shampoo is safe to use on a human to treat head lice?
why would you want to do that when you can purchase the proper thing to help yourself. check the web page below
No. Definitely not. The pesticide shampoos you find in your pharmacy have been proven safe for use by humans if the directions are followed precisely. Here is my advice for getting rid if head lice.
I just went through this a couple of months ago and it took nine days to get rid of it. Only nine days. This might sound like a long time, but this is a time consuming task, but well worth it!! I will tell you what I did. Because these are bugs, I destroyed their home. They live on my and my child's head. I did treat with Rid, then started with the nit comb. I could not believe it, but even after the shampoo treatment, there were still LIVE BUGS crawling around in my child's hair!!! Come to find out, this treatment can take up to three days to work. I decided right then I could not rely on anything but myself. I got a bunch of bobby pins and started to work. TWICE A DAY EVERY DAY FOR 10 DAYS I parted combed and manually removed ALL NITS AND BUGS from both of my daughter's hair. Every time I found one, I was genuinely surprised. I thought I had gotten them all. But even after 2 days of not finding anything, there was that little black speck that would move if touched. It must have been a nit that I missed, or a bug that moved into the hair I already checked when I wasn't looking. Very easy to do. Yes, these things move, that is why you must be diligent and check EVERY DAY. After the ten days (the last 4 not finding anything), I checked every other day. After I was sure they were gone, I still check my kid's hair about weekly. Thank Goodness I have found nothing.
After using the Rid and waiting the prescribed 3 days, we did mayo treatments with REAL mayo and left it on for 3-4 hours. This will smother any of the critters and kill them. I did this treatment 3 times. It makes your hair really soft and is a moiserizer for your scalp to aid in the scalp damage from the pesticide shampoo you are using. Use the Rid again after 7 days. Put away all of your dolls, and stuffed animals until you have completely gotten rid of all bugs and have been nit free for 10 days. Strip you bedding, pillowcases and pillows and put it in the DRYER for 30 minutes to kill any stray bugs every day for 10 days. Wash in hot water once a week. Vacuum couches and floors every day for 10 days. Put all hair care things into two sealed plastic bags after dipping them into water that was boiling, but removed from the burner for 5 minutes after uses for 10 days. Remember to vacuum your car, car seats, etc. and it helps to expose it to the freezing air too.
You must check everyone's hair every day. If you keep taking out everything you find every day, they will be gone faster.
When reading the web site provided below, pay attention to the life span of these little critters. After hours of research on the internet, I found this one most helpful.
Good luck and God bless.
The best thing to get rid of head lice is olive oil. saturate the head and leave on for an hr. with a shower cap over it then take off and use a lice comb to remove all eggs and nits. It really does ork very well. It is the best thing next to kerosene that they used back in the old days. Try is very inexpensive and it works better then any live products u will buy.
they make a shampoo for humans called Nix for that.
Ouch! I wouldn't use it. You'd be running a big risk of inflaming your scalp with the chemicals used in it.
In any case it's not designed to specifically to kill head lice. What kills on type of insect doesn't necessarily kill another type. It might kill them off but it might just make them feel a little queasy.
If you want to use a shampoo try a coal tar one like Denorex. You'll need to buy the therapeutic version. Lather up and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Do it for 3 days running.
I wouldn't use any head lice shampoo, a few of the shampoos have been linked to possible cause of luekaemia in children.
Tea tree effectively treats head lice, add some pure drops of the oil to shampoo, it works a treat.
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